In a by-gone age there were hundreds of small workshops up and down the country building scratch built steam trains and accessories. There are fewer and fewer each year and Unique Auctions sale of the 22nd October includes the contents and trains of three of these workshops.
Auctioneer Terry Woodcock says “We see some of these fantastic workshops occasionally but it is unusual to get so several at the same time. The amount of work that goes into these engines is incredible. Some of the engines can take years and years to make. It is a labour of love to get them created.”
“One of the engines we have is the quite famous around Lincoln, and aptly called The Lincoln Imp. It used to be on display and taking children around Boultham Park and other events some 40-50 years ago. We have seen a copy of the Lincolnshire Echo with the train in from this time. “

The engines include 5” scratch built steam engines and a larger 7” 1/4 “ scratch built petrol hydraulic engine (still in operation), as well as hundred of lots of tools and tooling items.
The auction takes place on 22nd October starting at 9am. Viewing Friday 21st October 9am-4pm.
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